Cleaning Products for Parosmia

Recently I have had several people reach out to our company to help alleviate their insufferable parosmia by offering unscented soaps and cleaning products. Parosmia is, according to web MD, “a disorder in which the odors of certain things -- or, in some cases, everything -- are distorted. This happens when smell receptor cells in your nose, called olfactory sensory neurons, don’t detect odors and translate them to your brain the way they should. Usually, the smell is bad or even revolting. For example, if you sniff a banana, instead of something fruity and pleasant, your nose may pick up a foul odor like rotting flesh. Parosmia is common after a viral infection.”

Most soaps and cleaning products on the market today are heavily scented. Even “fragrance free” cleaners can still have a scent because of the cheap chemicals used to make the product can often still contain an odor or a light fragrance is still added to cover up the smell of rancid industrial seed oils.

We have tested our unscented products with customers who have the terrible condition. Encouragingly we have yet to hear from anyone that a foul smell was detected when using our unscented products. We use the most high quality ingredients in our products and never use any rancid or synthetic ingredients in anything we offer. This helps us better serve people suffering from parosmia.


The Misunderstanding of SLS


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